An Arctis Nova Pro Wireless gaming headset lays against an background of gold award badges. 
1st gold badge with text reads: "Arctis Nova Pro Wireless: Best Wireless Headset Splurge" from tom's hardware. 
2nd gold badge with text reads: "Arctis Nova Pro Wireless: Best Gaming headset," from Dexerto.
3rd gold badge with text reads: "Arctis Nova Pro Wireless: Best high-end wirelesss gaming headset," from PC Gamer.
4th gold badge with text reads: "Arctis Nova Pro: Best Wired Gaming Headset," from Wired.
5th gold badge with text reads: "Arctis Nova Pro Wireless: Best Premium Gaming Headset," from Gamespot.
6th gold badge with text reads: "Arctis Nova Pro Wireless: Best Gaming Headset," from IGN.
7th gold badge with text reads: "Arctis Nova Pro Wireless: 10/10 Masterpiece," from IGN.
8th red badge with text reads: "Rolling Stone Audio Awards: 2023."
9th gold badge with text reads: "Arctis Nova Pro Wireless: Best Gaming Headset," from Tom's Guide.
10th gold badge with text reads: "Arctis Nova Pro: The Best PC Gaming Headset," from Tech Radar.
11th gold badge with text reads: "Arctis Nova Pro Wireless: Best Wireless Gaming Headset," from EuroGamer.
12th gold badge with text reads: "Arctis Nova Pro: Best Wired Xbox One Headset," from T3.
13th gold badge with text reads: "Arctis Nova Pro Wireless: Best Premium PC Gaming Headset," from Techradar.
14th gold badge with text reads: "Arctis Nova Pro: Best Gaming Headset," from Tom's Hardware. 
15th gold badge with text reads: "Arctis Nova Pro Wireless Xbox: Best Gaming Headset," from Rtings.
16th gold badge with text reads: "Arctis Nova Pro Wireless: Best Wireless Gaming Headset," Windows Central.

Arctis Nova 耳機




無論是 PC、PlayStation、Xbox*、Switch、Meta Quest 還是行動裝置,都可以輕鬆連接到您的系統,獲得低延遲的遊戲音訊。

SteelSeries 軟體

透過遊戲專用預設、X 光聆聽和我們在遊戲中首創的專業級 Parametric 等化器,進一步增強您的音訊。

An Arctis Nova pro hoovering above the desk and gaming setup.


Arctis Nova Pro 無線耳機

Arctis Nova Pro 無線耳機透過主動式降噪、釹磁驅動器和無限壽命的雙電池,提高了音訊耳機的標準。

An Arctis Nova pro hoovering above the desk and gaming setup.

Hi-Res Audio 小金標

Arctis Nova Pro

使用高解析認證的 GameDAC Gen 2 和 Quad DAC,讓您的有線音訊更進一步,獲得無與倫比的品質和沉浸感。

體驗 X 光聽覺效果

Arctis Nova 7 無線耳機

使用 Arctis Nova 7 的釹磁驅動聆聽鉅細靡遺的聲音景致。在遊戲的同時自由混合遊戲音訊和藍牙。

An Arctis Nova 7 laying against a desktop setup.

輕鬆預設 100+ 個遊戲音訊

Arctis Nova 5 無線耳機

使用 Arctis Nova 5 小幫手應用程式解除鎖定 100 多個 PS5 和 Xbox 音訊預設。電池壽命時間為 60 小時,可在任何地方聆聽史詩級的音訊。

An Image showing Arctis Nova 5 with phone and PS console in the background.

時尚 RGB

Arctis Nova 3

您熱衷於風格和內容。出色的音訊、輕巧、時尚,能以 1,680 萬種可選顏色進行閃光,均透過方便的 USB-C 連接實現。

An image of Arctis Nova headset laying on the desk, accompanied with glowing keyboard and mouse.


Arctis Nova 1

比以往任何時候都更容易聆聽到全能音訊。輕巧舒適的設計帶來卓越品質,透過 3.5 公釐有線連接實現輕鬆相容性。

Arctis Nova 1 laying on the desk accompanied with glowing keyboard and aerox mouse.


帶有 Sonar 軟體的 Soar Beyond

下載適用於 Windows 的 Sonar 以「開啟您的音訊」,並獲得一套免費的遊戲音訊預設和用於串流器的音訊混合工具。

任何耳機 | 藍牙 | USB | 類比 | 2.4GHz 無線

Software widgets from SteelSeries Sonar