
如何使用 GG QuickSet

If you are a PC player seeking ways to improve your gameplay but tired of spending forever customizing your keyboard settings, you must read this article!

SteelSeries remains at the forefront of keyboard technology, as we just launched the Gen 3 of our Apex Pro gaming keyboards. With it, we’re releasing several new features, including QuickSet, which takes out the guesswork from setting up your keyboard for your favorite games.

We know it can be frustrating to spend time and live-test keyboard settings, or maybe it’s all just too much to follow. So if tinkering with Actuation, Rapid Trigger, and so on is not your style, just use GG QuickSet and start winning.

What is GG QuickSet?

We now offer Apex Pro Gen 3 users keyboard ready-made presets for various games. Simply select them from the GG QuickSet menu in the SteelSeries GG software, and they will automatically launch with your game.

If you connect an Apex Pro Gen 3 keyboard to GG after updating it to GG 71.1, a new icon will be added to the side navigation menu: that will be QuickSet! This feature has recently been expanded to work on ALL Apex Pro keyboards!

As soon as you click on the QuickSet Icon, you will be guided through a quick onboarding process. This will provide an initial walkthrough and launch a game detection scan, to ease the adding & customizing of profiles afterwards.

Once you pass that first step, you will see the primary views of the feature:

1. Dashboard: Device selection and configurations

Dashboard gg quickset

2。My Games: Lists all the games detected by GG QuickSet

GG quickset my games list

You can easily select a favorite games from the list (or manually add a game if one is not detected).

Once the desired game is selected, you will be taken to the Dashboard view and can apply desired configurations to your devices for each game.

What's the win?

Now comes the best part of the story. Every time users launch a game with a configured QuickSet profile, the feature will auto-magically recognize the game being played and apply the relevant preset, and users will see this notification pop:

best fortnite keyboard settings

As soon as you switch windows or close your game or close, your settings return to their default state.

Here’s what the Fortnite preset changes:

Fortnite keyboard settings optimal

Here, you have four different actuation ranges configured. Protection mode, Rapid Tigger & Rapid Tap on. And they’re all gathered in one preset, Available in only one click!

Here is a sample list of popular games with GG QuickSet profiles by SteelSeries. We will continue to add more game presets over time.

  • Fortnite
  • 《特戰英豪》
  • Counter-Strike 2
  • 英雄聯盟
  • Dota 2
  • PUBG
  • Rainbow 6: Siege
  • 《Apex 英雄》
  • Overwatch 2
  • Minecraft
  • 天命 2
  • COD Warzone

We teamed up with pro player ambassadors like the FaZe Clan CS2 team, Wackyjacky101 for PUBG, and Gaimin Gladiators for Dota 2 to recreate their winning setups. Now, you can get their game-winning configurations exclusively on QuickSet for the Apex Pro Gen 3 keyboards!

So if you’re an Apex Pro Gen 3 gaming keyboard user and want to enjoy Rapid trigger, Protection mode, or Rapid Tap (for instant strafing) in perfectly balanced configs without effort, you must give GG QuickSet a shot to play your games, not settings.

Try it now on GG. See more information about GG Quickset on our Software page.


QuickSet 是否免費?

QuickSet 是一項免費功能,可供擁有和接入特選的 SteelSeries 裝置的遊戲玩家使用。

哪些 SteelSeries 裝置可以解鎖對 QuickSet 的存取?

目前對擁有 Apex Pro TKL Wireless (2023)、Apex Pro TKL (2023)、Apex Pro TKL Wireless (Gen 3)、Apex Pro TKL (Gen 3)、Apex Pro (Gen 3) 的使用者授予 QuickSet 的存取權限。未來的更新將擴展對更多鍵盤、滑鼠、耳機等的存取。

哪些鍵盤與 GG QuickSet 相容?

QuickSet supports all of our Apex Pro keyboards now! We have expanded this functionality with GG 75.0.

如何自訂 QuickSet 設定檔?

QuickSet 最初從預設的桌面設定檔開始,可根據所有接入和支援的裝置進行自訂。這包括鍵盤、滑鼠、耳機、滑鼠墊、麥克風、喇叭和 Prism 設定。可用裝置有一個下拉式選單,讓玩家從所有可用裝置的設定中進行選擇。按一下「編輯」按鈕(形狀像鉛筆)以編輯或增加更多裝置的設定。關聯裝置的「引擎」面板將會啟動,並提供更多進階設定。

如何在 QuickSet 中自訂預設?

每個建立的 QuickSet 設定檔都將具有與其關聯的可用裝置。每個裝置(例如鍵盤或滑鼠),甚至 Prism 設定都可以根據 QuickSet 設定檔進行深度自訂,使其與眾不同。使用提供的裝置下拉式選單或「編輯」按鈕(形狀像鉛筆)可以快速輕鬆地存取「引擎」面板以進行更多進階設定。

我可以建立多少個 QuickSet 設定檔?

遊戲玩家可以為「我的遊戲」部分中自動偵測或手動新增的所有遊戲和應用程式建立 QuickSet 設定檔。儀表板 QuickSet 設定檔列顯示有限數量的遊戲,可輕鬆存取溢位選單。

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